Prague Dragon Autumn 2019 - Entry form

This is the Entry form for Prague Dragon Autumn 2019.

Please fill in appropriate information if you want to participate as a team in the Prague Dragon Autumn festival.

Please enter here the billing information if it is different from the combination of Team Name, Club/Organization and Adress. If you have some other demands please incude them here as well.

In sense of fair-play please fill this option according to reality. Organizer reserves the right to place the team in a category according to previous years performance and references to other results.

Enter your teams description if the previous question did not satisfy you.

All teams in 200 MIX will race together in qualification - after they will be separated in cups according their results.

Please note the special starting fee conditions for this race

Information about the team
A special festival bulletin will be released for the festival. We would be very happy if you will send us information about your team and about the teammembers. You can add information about your company ass well. Send all this information to the email adress: "". You can add few pictures and photographies (approx. 5 including the picture of team captain)

The provided information will be used also by the event speaker during the festival.

Companies have and option to place their advertisment (banner, billboard, flag, small infokiosk after agreement) for additional fee besides the starting fee.


By Sending Entry form you certify that all Competitors on the team are physically fit and trained to swim at least 50 meters wearing light clothing. You also confirm that each competitor has undergone a medical check and that there is no known medical reason why he/her should not take part in the program of races organized by the Prague Dragon Boat Club. You hereby expressly agree to abide by all rules and conditions of the Organizers and you hereby discharge the Prague Dragon Boat Autumn Organizing Committee, Prague Dragon Boat Club, as well as any other individual or organizations connected directly or indirectly with the Prague Dragon Boat Autumn of any responsibility in the event of injury, death or loss of property incurred during as a consequence of, or whilst traveling to or from the Prague Dragon Boat Autumn.

You further declare that all fees due as notified by the Prague Dragon Boat Autumn Organizing Committee in respect of the Crew named, will be paid in full when requested and that the event of any debts being incurred by the said team that the above named Dragon Boat Team will reimburse the Organizing Committee in full within 30 days of the end of the said Prague Dragon Boat Autumn 2016.

By filling this field you will agree with the "Declaration"

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