Regular training - open training

04/08/2011 - 18:00
04/08/2011 - 20:30

Regular training of Prague Dragon Boat Club

Begining: 18:00 (this is the boarding time in the boat!)
Place: Club boathouse on Cisarska louka island (see "contacts" for more HERE - CONTACT)
Duration: aproxx. 90 minutes
Languages: czech by origin, but we speak english and german too.

It is a so called "open training" Everobody can come and try and practise dragon boat paddling. No previous experince with dragon boat is necesarry all equipment is provided by our club. If you want to come and try this possibility please take some sport clothes in the boat ('cause for sure you will get wet :-)) Cloakroom for dressing is available. Security and technique presentation is providide for you too.

Come and see for yourself! We are looking forward for new dragons!

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